January is often the time where we think about making important changes in our life.    This very morning I was a guest on Radio Northampton discussing this very topic.

Today I ask you to be honest with yourself,   are you planning on just regurgitating the past 12 months or are you ready to create a new version of you in 2023?

What patterns or stories have you been carrying around for years on end?  What situations or negative emotions are you just tolerating year after year? Look back over the past 12 months, are you still thinking the same thought patterns and doing the same things as you were this time last year?

Update yourself in 2023.

The truth is, we don’t need to wait until a new year to create a new reality    We always have a choice.  However, it can be difficult to change if you don’t know how!  Old programming and negative beliefs can really keep us stuck.  We may want to change our thinking or situation in our heads, but our wounded inner child can  keep us stuck.    As a result, nothing changes and we continue to regurgitate our life year after year.

What desires  do you feel are out of your reach?  Do you have fears or excuses that just keep you stuck?  What would you like to release from your life that no longer serves you?  Are you ignoring your hearts desire?

I urge you to reach out and create a new version of your self in 2023.   Reach out and prioritise yourself and create a life that you really love.      Give yourself the gift of freedom from negative emotions and toxic self sabotaging patterns.

Give Yourself the gift of a Life Coach

I had my first Life Coaching session in Australia over 25 years ago.   To be honest,  I didn’t really know much about what Life Coaching was but I am so glad I took that first leap.    At the time,  I had recently been divorced, I was in  toxic relationship and dealing with an unhealthy work situation.   Thanks goodness I decided to reach out and get some help!

Twenty three years later,  I want everyone to have a life that feels good to them.  Watching people transform into an authentic person and release old fears and beliefs is one of my true passions.     I just love watching my life coaching clients move from struggle to thriving,  letting go of their negative beliefs and programming.

Award winning Life Coach

If you are ready to care more about how you feel and give yourself the gift of a life you love,  why not contact me today for a no obligation chat?  Why not  check out what my clients say about working with me at my Life Coaching Testimonials. 

With over 23 years experience,  Lisa Phillips is the founder of www.amazingcoaching.co.uk.    She is the author of The Confidence Coach book and her work features regularly in the media.       Lisa is the current Confidence Coach on The Love Destination TV.

Lisa has won several international awards including three Stevie awards.  In 2020, she was the  winner of the Midlands Enterprise award for ‘ Best Self Esteem and Confidence Programs‘.