Have you got an important career or job interview coming up? Do you need some help in crafting the perfect answer to interview questions or do you require coaching for interviews?

Interview Coaching

I offer 1 on 1 coaching for online job interviews, job application forms, face to face interviews and assessment centres.

In my book ‘ The Confidence Coach‘ I also share my tips on Coaching for Job Interviews and General Career Coaching advice.

What does Interview Coaching involve?

These days, job interviews can cover a wide range of questioning techniques.   These include competency questions, strength based questions and also situational judgement questions.   You may also be required to do a presentation, case study or numerical test.

Whatever type of job interview you are having, you also need to offer your future employee the ‘ Wow’ factor about you.

In reality, many job applicants have similar qualifications and experience on their CV’s. Therefore, you need to be able to stand out against your competition. This includes being confident at interview and having a strong self belief about your abilities.  You also need to be able to communicate your Unique selling point in order to stand out from other candidates.

How can I help?

I have sat in on many panel interviews in the past.  Due to my 20 years experience,  organisations often request that I help them choose the candidate who is the’ best fit’ for their organisation. As a result, I know what employers are looking for.

I also work with Mandarin Consulting in London assisting Graduates with their interview process.

I can help with your interview coaching by:

  1. Helping you craft together the perfect application form
  2. Assist you in extracting the ideal answers for competency questions from your CV
  3. Advice on the best practice for Assessment centres and how to gain those extra assessment points
  4. Interview Confidence
  5. Career Coaching including setting up new businesses
  6. Confidence in your current career

Interview Coaching with Lisa Phillips

Why not contact me for a no obligation chat to see how I can help you with coaching for your interview?