How would you like to wake up feeling good each morning? Feeling inspired and excited about the day ahead?
The good news is that when we sleep, our beliefs, thoughts and feelings all re-set. That means that our vibration ( or what we attract in life) is also renewed. As a result, with a little bit of focus, you can choose to feel good each morning by leaving the previous day behind. To do this, you must choose to gently focus your thoughts each morning towards creating a new day for yourself that feels good!
As a Northamptonshire Life Coach, I truly believe that this is one of the most transformation things you can do for yourself. My own personal morning routine has enabled me to consistently feel good plus attract a enormous amount of wonderful things into my life.
You need to Care about how you Feel
In order for you achieve success in this morning process you really need to make your own wellbeing or feeling a priority. You simply have to care more about how you feel. You need to care about feeling good each morning to to put some gentle effort into focusing your emotions and feelings.
We Create Negative Mornings
In reality, many of us wake up dreading the day (especially on a Monday!). As a result, we begin each and every day thinking about all the stuff we need to do or worrying about the day ahead. We also pick up on our thoughts of yesterday and keep these running in our minds. However, in doing this, we are unconsciously starting the momentum of negative thoughts. As a result, the more we do this, the more the momentum will build and our negative thoughts will just get stronger and stronger throughout the day. Note – A way to counter this is to take a nap and re-set our vibration again but this can be difficult during work hours!
The key is to always remember you have a far better chance of creating a great day if you start in the morning – before too much negative momentum has set in. So it is about choosing putting a little focus towards feeling good each morning.
How to Feel Good Each Morning
Each morning I wake, I make a commitment to myself make myself a hot cup of coffee and head back to bed for half an hour! My main reason for doing this is to simply give myself the opportunity to build up positive momentum in the morning before my day begins. During this time I gently start to focus and appreciate general things in my life, such as the warm duvet (especially on chilly mornings), the love for my cat Nora, and the fact that I care about myself enough to go back to bed. I also gently focus on what I would like to happen that day – such as a media interview, an opportunity to be on TV or create a new speaker opportunity.
In appreciating these very general and simple things, I allow my vibration to raise naturally and the positive momentum builds. As a result, within 15 minutes I have created a new positive vibrational set point.
The benefits of a Feel Good Morning Routine
1) It just feels really good!
2) I have focussed myself into a great point of attraction for other great things to be attracted to me
3) Negative experiences or people who do not match my high vibration will not be attracted to me. ( Isn’t that a nice thought!)
Building up a high vibration each morning does take a little practice but in around 30 days, you will end up naturally walking up with this new higher emotional set point. Once this happens, you won’t necessarily have to deliberately focus on things to appreciate or feel good about, as you will already feel good without any real effort as this has now become your new dominant point of attraction.
Life Coaching Northamptonshire
Lisa Phillips is an award winning confidence coach, Life Coach and professional guest speaker based in Northants. She is also the current Life Coaching expert on The Love Destination TV.
Lisa provides Life Coaching from her office in Corby, Northamptonshire. She also provides online coaching across the world.
Lisa regularly speaks at conferences and runs workshops for organisations on a range of topics including Confidence, Self Empowerment, Resilience and Team Building. Lisa is also the author of ‘The Confidence Coach’.
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