Amazing Coaching in the Media – May 2021

Due to my expertise, my work as a leading life coach is regularly featured in the media.  Often, Journalists are so busy that I may not get notified as to when my quotes and comments appear in the press.  Therefore, every so often, I like to do a quick google search to discover which publications may have featured my quotes and advice.

I enjoy working with journalists and over the years, my expertise has been featured frequently on daytime TV shows, radio and in various life style and business publications.

In the Media – May 2021.

Here is a quick round up of a few of the publications that my expertise has been featured in during the month of May .  ( Well, it is the publications I found while searching in May 2021!)

1) Woman Magazine – Our Friendships shouldn’t work but they do!

Our Friendships Shouldn’t Work…But They Do (

2) Culture Hive – The Career benefits of becoming a mentor

The career benefits of becoming a mentor – CultureHive

3) Student – Why you should ditch the Hustle and Start a new Hobby

Why You Should Ditch The Hustle And Start A Hobby (

4) – Self care is all the rage, but what does it actually mean?

Self care is all the rage, but what does it actually mean? – (

5) House of Wellness ( Australia)  How to Give Praise and Recognition

World Compliment Day: How to give and receive praise and recognition (

Lisa Phillips in the Media.

If you would like to see more of my media appearances, including TV clips and my TV Presenter show reel,  you can also check out my Media page or You Tube Channel.

International award winning Life Coach

Previously based in Sydney, Australia, Lisa Philips is an award winning Life Coach, Confidence expert and inner child coach. 

With over 22 years international experience,   Lisa has won several international awards for her leading edge life coaching techniques.   In 2020, she was also awarded a Midlands Enterprise award for her Confidence and Self Esteem packages.    She is also the author of  The Confidence Coach book.

She is the current Confidence expert on the Love Destination and a cruise ship speaker.

To find out more about how Northants Life Coach Lisa Phillips can assist you,  why not contact her today for a no-obligation chat?