Come on – Let it go!

Is it time to let go of our painful hurts and resentments,  many of which we have been holding onto for years! ( or even decades!)

We regurgitate these past hurts to anyone who will listen, using our past as an excuse for the way we are now, our beliefs and our behaviour. In defending our past pains, we justify them as a reason for our existence, and blame other people around us for our current situation.

Out hurts become a reason to justify why we can’t move on in our lives or why we are feeling stuck or resentful. For some of us it is like wearing a ‘ Poor Me‘ badge.

Many of us are still blaming other people for our past hurts and choose to hold onto our hurts rather than choosing to let them go !

Is it time to let the past go?

However, in choosing to hold on to the past, we are literally tied to our past and our pain every day of the year. Stop for a few minutes and look at your own past. What has happened to you in the past that still impacts your behaviour today? Did you receive criticism from people around you so you still continue to criticise yourself today?

Do you keep yourself small because someone in your past put you down? Are you still blaming other people for your lack of confidence, self esteem or self worth? Did you have a partner who hurt you in the past so now you refuse to step into relationships with an open heart? Did you have a business or a career that didn’t go as well as expected so you refuse to try anymore?

Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that each and every one of your past hurts were not rea. Nor am I saying that they didn’t hurt you greatly. However, think about it, how much longer are you willing to stay a victim of your past and allow it to dictate your future?

It is not about Forgiveness

This is not about forgiving the people who may have hurt you – this is about deciding that you will no longer hurt yourself by still being tied to that painful past experience or person.

It really is about caring about how you feel enough to make a choice to empower and free yourself from those past hurts and let it  go!

Listen to your Gut Feel.

Your body is a great compass. Even when you think about your past hurts, you body will not feel good so how much longer do you want to feel like this? How much longer are you willing to put up with feeling bad? Let’s face it, the people who hurt you are not feeling bad and have probably already moved on and are not even aware of the pain you are still experiencing.

The key to releasing all this pain from the past is start to care more about how you feel right now. Make a decision that your own happiness is more important than your hurts from the past.  Each day is a brand new day and you have a choice to keep living in the past or start creating a new empowered life. Remember, the law of attraction does not care about your past, it is simply reacting to the thoughts and vibration you are sending out in the current moment.

Life Coach and Confidence Expert Lisa Phillips

Lisa Phillips is a UK Life Coach , Confidence Coach  and Professional Speaker based in Northamptonshire, UK.

With over 22 y ears experiences,   she has been awarded several international awards for her leading edge coaching techniques.    Lisa is also a trained counsellor,  NLP Master Practitioner  and Inner Child Coach. 

Due to her expertise,  her work as a leading life coach appears frequently in the media.   Please also check out Lisa’s You Tube channel for TV Clips and videos.

Why not contact Lisa Phillips today for a no-obligation chat?