Would you like to have a constant flow of happiness and sustain positive emotions?

Think back over the past few weeks.  Did you consistently sustain positive emotions?  Think about it  – what felt good to you?  What made you laugh or smile? Was it that feeling of getting a new client, getting the kids off to school on time, or was it that satisfied feeling of getting a job well done? Maybe it was just grabbing a few peaceful minutes to yourself to watch TV or go out for a walk with your dog or family? Maybe you enjoyed catching up with a friend over coffee or being well paid by a customer?

What made YOU feel good?

Now grab a pen and  write down a list of all these things that made you feel good. . In doing this, notice what happens with your body and your emotions. The chances are, even thinking about these things will make you feel positive and a smile may even appear on your face! In addition, your  Vibration will also rise.  Our vibration is simply our energy or emotional guidance system.

When ever we have fun, do something we enjoy or spend a few seconds appreciating something or somebody in our life,  our vibration naturally raises. However, when we beat ourselves up, criticise ourselves or do things we don’t enjoy, our vibration will lower.  As a result, we experience what is commonly known as negative emotion.   Therefore, if we want to sustain positive emotions we need to keep on doing things that make us feel good!

You need to Care More about How You Feel.

As a Professional Wellness Speaker, Life Coach and Confidence Coach,  I urge people to care more about their own personal wellbeing.  What this means is actually caring about how you feel.  Not just the odd manicure of massage, but making it their key intention each day to find things to feel good about.

When you do this,  your vibration will naturally rise and you will experience positive emotions.  This will then gather momentum and  set you up for a good feeling day and sustaining positive emotions.  Then the law of attraction will simply give you more of what you are feeling good about!

Milk It!

One of the easiest ways to raise your vibration and sustain positive emotions is to  appreciate or ‘milk’ anything you already find it easy to experience positive emotions about.

For example, when I am offered a great opportunity to run a wellness workshop for an organization, I always build up momentum by saying things in my mind such as ‘I love it when I am engaged to speak at a great wellness event and I am so looking forward to more opportunities like this’. Or, if I have had a really fun day, I will again milk it by saying ‘I really enjoyed today, I love having fun and I am really excited and expecting to have loads of days just like this’ .

Basically, this is all about ‘milking’ and in doing so, you sustain  positive emotion you experience.  You can do this for any area of your life.  Let’s say for example, you receive a pay rise or a lovely gift – then why not milk it so you can attract more of it into your life! .

This is a really simple process that brings great results. All it takes is a little focus in the present moment to conjure up or remind yourself of experiences that feel good to you.  Don’t force this to happen – just gently focus on how much you enjoyed something and in doing so, you are attracting and inviting more of it to flow into your life effortlessly.

Award Winning Confidence Expert and Life Coach.

With over 22 years experience, numerous TV appearances and awards, Lisa Phillips is the author of ‘ The Confidence Coach’.  

She is a professional wellness speaker, trainer and facilitator.  To find out more, please see www.amazingcoaching.co.uk

Lisa Provides Life Coaching,  Confidence Coaching and inner child coaching across the globe.

Contact Lisa today for a no=obligation chat.