
2 01, 2023

A new version of you in 2023

By |2023-01-02T12:06:31+00:00January 2nd, 2023|Newsletters|Comments Off on A new version of you in 2023

January is often the time where we think about making important changes in our life.    This very morning I was a guest on Radio Northampton discussing this very topic. Today I ask you to be honest with yourself,   are you planning on just regurgitating the past 12 months or are you ready to create a new version of you in 2023? What [...]

19 12, 2022

How to align to your values

By |2022-12-19T11:48:49+00:00December 19th, 2022|Newsletters|Comments Off on How to align to your values

Values are our fundamental beliefs that we live our life by.  When you align to your values, you are choosing to live a life that feels good to you, a life that feels meaningful and embodies the person you want to be.   When you align with your values,  life feels more energised, satisfying and downstream. Understanding your own values is a fundamental part [...]

2 12, 2022

Is it time to raise your standards?

By |2023-09-10T08:15:21+00:00December 2nd, 2022|Newsletters|Comments Off on Is it time to raise your standards?

Raising your standards means to change yourself or improve your lifestyle.   It is also about saying No to things that hold you back or no longer serve the person you are today or aspire to be in the future. Think about your current life.   Where are you settling for less than you deserve?  Where are you putting up with people or situations which [...]

15 09, 2022

Do you reject or abandon yourself?

By |2022-09-15T05:29:38+00:00September 15th, 2022|Newsletters|Comments Off on Do you reject or abandon yourself?

Rejection and abandonment hurts.  It triggers our deep emotional wounds of feeling excluded, not belonging, left out and unworthy.   However, who really does the deed of rejection or abandonment?   Is it other people, or is it you? Case Study - Rejected Adam Adams' partner ends their relationship, and he understandably feels rejected, hurt, abandoned and betrayed.    He keeps asking himself ' What [...]

19 08, 2022

Do you Have High Self Regard?

By |2023-09-10T08:11:55+00:00August 19th, 2022|Newsletters|Comments Off on Do you Have High Self Regard?

What does it mean to have high self-regard? According to the dictionary, self-regard means regard or consideration for oneself and self-respect.  For me, is how you view yourself, your worthiness, your talents and your perception of who you are and also how you look. Positive Self regard An individual with positive self-regard will value themselves and  have healthy levels of self-esteem and confidence.   [...]

8 04, 2022

Unlearning People Pleasing – An Interview with Lisa Phillips

By |2022-04-25T15:26:23+00:00April 8th, 2022|What’s New|Comments Off on Unlearning People Pleasing – An Interview with Lisa Phillips

I was delighted to be interviewed by Employer Branding Agency, Chatter Communications on the topic of ' How to unlearn being a People Pleaser' You can read the full interview at  We Love Chatter or excerpts are highlighted below. What are the main reasons people come to see you? The main reason is they think they’re not good enough. They think other people [...]

22 02, 2022

Why Your Life is Like a Flowing Stream

By |2022-03-09T01:18:38+00:00February 22nd, 2022|Newsletters|Comments Off on Why Your Life is Like a Flowing Stream

Whether I am on stage speaking on a cruise ship, facilitating a confidence workshop, or working with my Life Coaching clients,  I always talk about why your life is like a flowing stream. When you wake up each morning,  I would love you to imagine that instead of getting out of bed, you get into a canoe.  This canoe, is floating on [...]

19 08, 2021

Assertiveness Phrases

By |2022-03-09T03:08:29+00:00August 19th, 2021|Newsletters|Comments Off on Assertiveness Phrases

Assertiveness is an empowered communication style that allows you to clearly and confidently state how you want people to treat you! It also assists you in honouring your own needs and standing up for what is important to you . Being assertive also allows you to act in your own best interests ( instead of someone's else's best interests) and express your rights as a human being. It is also a sign of self respect and self care.

3 08, 2021

Worrying about what other People Think

By |2022-03-09T03:10:50+00:00August 3rd, 2021|Newsletters|Comments Off on Worrying about what other People Think

As a nation, so many of us are overly concerned about worrying about what other people think about us!   We worry about our appearance, our intelligence and what other people may think of the choices that we make in our own lives. We worry about upsetting someone, whether people like us or not and what they think about the clothes we [...]

28 05, 2021

7 Tips for Building Confidence

By |2022-03-09T03:33:48+00:00May 28th, 2021|Newsletters|Comments Off on 7 Tips for Building Confidence

Looking to build your confidence or self esteem? 7 Tips for building confidence from Lisa Phillips, author of ' The Confidence Coach' book. 1) Write a list of things that you like about yourself and your positive qualities. These could be the fact you are helpful, creative, traits or the fact that you get things done on time. Make sure you write [...]


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